Most Amazing Benefits Of Deep Breathing To Know About

Breath in. Breath out! We can do this process every second without a thought.  And being human, we forget the wonder of breathing. Breathing is the basic living process on which life depends and it is important to understand the significance of the breathing process. But with time and lifestyle, people have forgotten how to breathe properly. Improper breathing can lead to many health problems. A prime example is high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease. It also increases stress levels and this stress can contribute to anxiety and depression. If breathing is taken seriously and done with utter care and consciousness it can benefit the body and can increase the efficiency of everyday life and process. Breathing correctly is important for overall well-being. While its benefits are uncountable, so here are some of them you should know about. And definitely, this will motivate you to try deep breathing. 

1. Calm anxiety

Deep breathing is the simplest way to calm down anxiety. Practicing deep breathing slows down your heart rate allows the body to take more oxygen and signals the brain to wind down. It is also suggested by experts to treat anxious thoughts and nervousness in a jiffy. It balances your hormones- lowering down cortisol levels, and ups your endorphins, the “feel-good” chemical.

2. Natural painkiller

As we see in the above point deep breathing release the endorphins which is a feel-good hormone is not only relieve anxiety and stress but also natural pain killer created by the body itself.

3. Increase energy

Deep breathing improves the oxygen level in the blood. And the more oxygen that is in the blood, the better our body function. It improves stamina. 

4. Correct posture

Bad posture is one of the most common things related to incorrect breathing. Next time you breathe in, notice that you simultaneously lengthen and straighten your spine. When you fill your lungs with air, this automatically encourages you to straighten up your spine.

5. Better sleep

Taking slow, deep, long breaths can signal your body to detoxify and return to a sense of calm- which can help you sleep better. You can try a simple deep breathing regime- '5-4-3-2-1' can guarantee better sleep. Deep breathing exercises before bed can even help people suffering from insomnia. 

6. Cardiovascular health

Deep breathing is good to strengthen the cardiovascular muscles and improve blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of stroke. Performing breathing exercises regularly also helps patients with hypertension. Thus, practicing breathing exercises is extremely beneficial for the health of our cardiovascular system.

7. Improve mood

Practicing deep breathing increase the supply of oxygen to your brain and help you to be more calm and relaxed. It also release of endorphins, your ‘feel-good hormones that lift or elevate your mood.

To summarize this we can say that practicing deep breathing regularly will do amazing benefits for your body and brain. Schedule deep breathing as you schedule your important meetings and tasks. Start with a little and practicing this for some time every day will see the good changes in your lifestyle. Make deep breathing a part of daily life to stay healthy, longer, and livelier. 

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