Interesting Facts About Brain That Will Blow Your Mind

The brain is the most complicated part of our body. The brain is made up of billions of neurons. And it is very important to keep it healthy and active. It helps us to think, remember and learn new things. And there are some amazing things you may not know about your brain. So let's take a look at these interesting facts.

1. The average adult human weighs about 3 pounds.

2. Your brain will use more oxygen and more fuel from your heart up to 50 percent while you think harder.

3. When you find yourself sleeping in a new environment for the first time, the brain processes danger and remains half-awake to be more aware.

4. We get more relaxed when we listen to music because when we listening music our brain produces dopamine.

5. We cry even when we are very happy because our hypothalamus in our brain can't distinguish the difference between strong happiness and strong sadness.

6. It contains 60% of fat and one of the fattest parts of our body.

7. Our brain starts losing consciousness after 8-10 seconds of stopping the blood supply to the brain.

8. Human brain can generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.

9. Our brain takes 20% of the total blood and oxygen that is produced in our body.

10. The blood vessels that are present in the brain are almost 100,000 miles in length.

11. If our brain is not getting oxygen supply then it is capable of surviving for 5 to 6 minutes only.

12. There are 100 billion neurons present in the brain.

13. Your brain is growing most in your first year of life. But life shrinks your brain. After you cross middle age your brain decreases in physical size as time passes.

14. Your brain is kind of cross-wired. The left side controls muscles on your body's right side. The right side of your brain is responsible for pulling the strings on the muscles of your left side.

15. There are three major parts of the brain: the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.

16. Your brain gets easily bored. It is found that every 10 minutes you need something that sparks you emotionally to reset the button on your attention.

17. Pictures are powerful tools for memory. Studies have shown people retain 65 percent more information when images are involved.

18. Alcohol doesn't make you forget anything. When you get blackout drunk, the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories.

19. Frequent jet lag can damage memory. Stress hormones released during jet lag can damage the temporal lobe and memory.

20. Our brain is not capable of doing multitasking and it is impossible. When we think we're multitasking, we're context-switching. That is, we're quickly switching back-and-forth between different tasks, rather than doing them at the same time.

There are still a lot of interesting things to be learned about the part of you that does the most work. Just like other body parts this also needs a healthy diet, proper sleep, exercise to keep it healthy and active.

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