6 Healthiest Foods and Fruits You Should Eat This Summer

The summer season is here. And it's all about the gun but sometimes summer heat can take over us and spoil all the fun. Being outdoor is more fun but sweating ups your risk for health problems such as dehydration, skin sensitivities, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But don't worry there are certain foods which you must eat during summer. They do not only help you to look good but also make you feel good.

To know more about them keep scrolling. 

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is the best summer food to keep you hydrated. It contains 95% water. They do not only keep you hydrated but also good for the stomach and prevent some other common health problems. Also, watermelon prevents oxidative stress to the skin which leads to aging. 

2. Cucumber

Eating cucumber instantly hydrates the body and brings down body heat. Add it to your salad or try your favorite juice recipe will some ginger and lemon juice. You can consume it as you want because there is no wrong way to consume them. 

3. Mango

Mango! Everyone's favorite. Many of us love the summer just because it's a season of mangoes. It is called a king of fruits and a good alternative to reducing body heat. There are many ways you can add it to your diet. Have it raw, as aam Panna- that quintessential summer drink, as chutney. Mangoes are also good for digestion and boost energy. 

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are filled with vitamin c and antioxidants. It is important to protect your skin from the sun's heat and eating tomatoes could give you a little extra protection. Tomatoes contain lycopene-the carotenoid that makes tomatoes red-may protect your skin from sunburn. You can add them to your juice or just simply make a soup of tomato and consume it you can eat them raw as well. 

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in vitamin B and gut-friendly bacteria. It is packed with calcium and a good option for a healthy summer alternative to cold drinks. Try it with some fruits like mangoes and strawberries. Shrikhand is also a good option. 

6. Spinach

Spinach is packed with lots of vitamins, folate, and calcium. You can add it to your diet as salad green or on a sandwich. Or try some recipes to add taste to this. 


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